The KISS principle is a golden oldie. Keeping your website as simple as possible with a minimum of third-party dependencies is good for privacy but also affects speed, security, and usability also.
The KISS principle is a golden oldie. Keeping your website as simple as possible with a minimum of third-party dependencies is good for privacy but also affects speed, security, and usability also.
Here are some thoughts on privacy and changes that are coming within the next year that will hopefully make things safer and easier for all website owners and users.
We cleaned up a website with spam links inserted at the end of content that kept being infected over and over again.
Just because you can cobble together 20 plugins to make a functional web app, doesn’t mean you should (long-term at least). Here are some common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
The ACF plugin is about to publish site breaking changes. Here’s how we prepare for that.
Bots are good at guessing usernames and trying to brute force into your WP installation by guessing your password.
Here are a few things to consider when building a budget e-commerce solution with WooCommerce and ready-made themes.
Here are some of the most common problems to look out for when picking a website hosting provider.