We offer a completely free seven-day comprehensive course on securing your website.
Improve your website with our courses and articles.
We offer a completely free seven-day comprehensive course on securing your website.
I gave a lighting talk at WordCamp Finland 2023 which is now online for all the world to see. Here are a few highlights and links to good talks on the day.
If applications and sites are done correctly, they can last decades. Here are a few things to consider when planning a new site or application that you want to last.
Websites and applications are always at risk from breaking whether through intentional defacing (security issues) or just run-of-the-mill updates and maintenance. Here are some pointers on making your website and application last the test of time.
Finnish news has once again been filled with troubling news that are particularly interesting for those of us who like to make a big fuss about cybersecurity.
The KISS principle is a golden oldie. Keeping your website as simple as possible with a minimum of third-party dependencies is good for privacy but also affects speed, security, and usability also.
Here are some thoughts on privacy and changes that are coming within the next year that will hopefully make things safer and easier for all website owners and users.
We cleaned up a website with spam links inserted at the end of content that kept being infected over and over again.